Terms of Reference
While the main focus of the Neighbourhood Plan is on future land development in Marple, transport is important both in facilitating development and in catering for the travel demand that it creates. Transport also has an important role in helping making Marple a better, and more sustainable, place to live, work, shop and play.
The Getting Around Topic Group will work with other groups to address issues and develop proposals relating to:
This list may be amended as the work of the Topic Group develops.
Issues and Opportunities
We have undertaken a preliminary review of issues and opportunities relevant to the group, to provide a framework for collecting relevant evidence. Clearly, new issues may arise as the development of the Plan progresses, while others may be found to be less relevant.
In summary, the issues we currently see as significant include:
We have started the work of collating evidence to gain a better understanding of these issues and to form the basis for initial policy options and suggestions. The aim is to complete this work by the next AGM in September.